
Press Release


ANCEN airborne - and Borealis is onboard




Released: 14th June 2024

Borealis participated in the ANCEN's first plenary meeting, launching the cooperation. 

Participants come from all related domains, represented by scientific, regulatory and industry partners. Through three days of intensive discussions, a general understanding of where we are was defined, challenges explained, and possible areas of interest that need to be worked on and charted. The important part of this cooperation is to keep all partners in the loop and guarantee the latest knowledge and know-how availability. CO2 emissions and non-CO2 ones were observed in short-term and long-term visions, and possible immediate actions were described and discussed, focused on contrails avoidance and SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) issues. The theoretical and testing part needs to be refocused on current needs; faster testing and validation of new approaches, models, and systems must be improved. It was repeatedly emphasised that a bridge between science and industry must be built.

Borealis, as an industry representative, is, from a short perspective, interested in a better understanding of developments around contrails and defining ISSR (Ice SuperSaturated Regions) areas. Better forecast models are needed to make the environment-related actions Borealis is working on more efficient. A deeper understanding of the trade-offs with contrail avoidance versus additional CO2 is needed to create rules that make operational procedures effective and deliver our desired benefits. 

This relates well to the work the Alliance is doing in the SESAR 3 industrial research project CONCERTO. There the Alliance participates in a consortium to develop a solution to optimize the Traffic Flow based on CO2, non CO2 & ATC capacity trade off. The consortium is developing an innovative way to forecast the climate sensitive areas and to implement new climate mitigation means in daily operations. The Alliance is focusing on the development the CONOPS, defining the contrails avoidance procedures and contribute to the validation of the solution to evaluate the benefits and environmental performance improvements.

The industry side, in general, is interested in improved forecast models or, rather, output from those models and systems to get reliable inputs for taking actions, how to speed up the transfer of scientific knowledge into actions that deliver, and how to define success with taken actions and measure it and improving the model again.

It will be a great challenge to get all those plans moving quickly, and Borealis is willing and interested in taking part in this journey with other partners and looking forward to ANCEN's success.

> Learn more about ANCEN HERE

> Read "EASA kicks off experts network to tackle effects of non-CO2 emissions"

> The CONCERTO project 


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